Apps that will help you in learning chords, all in one place! In the lessons section, you'll get a closer look at this topic and learn how to use other modules for learning and practice. Let's get started!

Chords Lessons

And now you know how!

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Hello! This is where we begin our shared adventure with chords. Remember that the order is not random, and in the lessons section, you will get familiar with the topic of chords and how to use other modules for learning and practice.

Interval Fretboard

Filter interval sounds

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Intervals are the distances between notes. See how they are arranged on your instrument.

Chords Fretboard

Filter chords sounds

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This simple tool will allow you to filter chord sounds in search of new inversions, arpeggios, scales, and the sounds you are looking for and need!

Ai Teacher

Chord Position Finder

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Here, you will learn popular chord inversions, and in the process, Fuzzer will check if you are catching the right chord on the guitar!

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