
#1 Hello Fuzzers!


First of all, I'm thrilled to be writing these words, and I thank you for being here and for taking the time to sit here with me!🙌😍 Since this is the first post on the blog, I'll tell you a bit about how and why I created Fuzzzapp. But first, I want to say hi to you!👋😃 I'm Bart, and I welcome you to the world of Fuzzzapp!


The idea itself dates back to around 2012. Back then, the first proposal was to create humorous reviews of guitar equipment. It was a rather loose idea that I was supposed to work on with a friend. We even got a positive response from a few music stores about reviewing equipment, but the idea didn't go beyond that, and the project was only in my head. Over the years, as I acquired non-guitar-related skills, new ideas began to sprout in my mind, taking various forms. I created the character 'Fuzzer' and the initial version of the website, with the thought that maybe someday I would return to this project. However, the final result and the website you are currently on were still a long way off. It mostly remained at the planning and brainstorming stage.😩

The Goal

They say that beginnings are tough hehe, and in the case of fuzzzapp, it was certainly long. 😂 Now I'm happy that after all this time, amid the twists and turns of my life and guitar-related adventures, I decided to revisit this topic, have fun with musical gear, and fulfill my plans. 💪 What's more, while I was practicing, doing repetitions and recalling certain things (which tend to slip one's mind), I dreamt of having certain patterns and knowledge all in one place. Well-organized and user-friendly. Of course, you can find similar apps on other websites as well. However, there was always something that didn't quite fit, whether it was everything lumped into one place, the visual design not being right, or advanced applications requiring payment. I thought it would be nice to share this, and maybe someone else will find it easier to learn by having access to materials that are coherent, simple, and user-friendly (at least in my opinion 😃).

In conclusion and summarizing this short story, fuzzzapp was born out of a passion for playing the guitar. I combined various interests to create a guitarist-friendly space that I wanted to use myself. I hope you enjoy the vibe here, and we'll make music together with fuzzzapp and Fuzzer. Cheers, thanks again, and see you soon! 🙌

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