01. Chords lessons introduction

You have no idea how excited I am that we will spend time together on Fuzzzap's chord building lessons! Let's start with some general information!šŸ¤©

Firstly, why chords? In my opinion, chords are the best way to start exploring the world of music. Just imagine when we learn to play, for example, the guitar, we most often begin by mastering simple chords like C major, A major, D major, and we play them until we can't play anymore, or at least until our fingertips can't take it šŸ˜. Thanks to chords, we often, even unconsciously, pave the way to discover rhythm, harmony, or playing solos. That's everything that gives us goosebumps and the pleasure of a full spectrum of colorful sounds. How is it all connected?šŸ‘‰

Before we move on, I'd like to write a few words about how the course is structured. These lessons are based on my own experience, materials from music school, private lessons, information from the internet, and books. My goal is not just to show you those fundamental chord shapes (although after going through these lessons, you'll better understand why you finger them on the fretboard in a specific way). I intend to demonstrate how such a chord is constructed and how you can finger it differently, explore its various versions across the fretboard, and, moreover, construct the full form of your composition.

At this stage of Fuzzzapp's development, it's quite general knowledge. I hope it's presented in an accessible way. With a few additional features and references to other Fuzzzapp applications. The lessons will also serve as a small introduction to our tools, and after going through them, you will be able to use them comfortably, even if they seem a bit unclear now. You can choose a topic from the side menu or go through all the topics one by one.

Of course, many people may disagree with me even on basic theory matters and have different opinions based on their knowledge. Therefore, my goal is to show you my path and the methods I've learned along the way regarding this topic. If you find this format appealing, I plan to expand its content over time and add more (advanced) chapters, so stay close! šŸ’Ŗ

Throughout the lessons, you will find informative colored banners. Depending on the color, they will provide you with information about:

Pay special attention to

This color indicates a tip

A reference to another application

In the meantime, there's no need to wait, and let's start with the first topic, which is intervals! šŸ¤˜ Let's get rocked!

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